2025 AGM Nomination Form

2025 AGM Elections - Opportunity to Nominate

At this meeting we are electing:

Wardens (2) - persons who ensure the proper administration and management of finances, property and staff.

Parish Councillors (3, 6, or 9) - persons who determine Parish policy, approve budgets and payments and confer with the minister on matters of ministry

Parish Nominators (5) - persons who, in consultation with the Parish and Bishop, choose a new minister should the current one depart


For a nomination to be valid, the nominator must be present at the meeting. It assists good order at the meeting if nominations can be submitted at least one week in advance so that some information can be provided to meeting attendees about those standing for office. That said, nominations may occur up to and including at the meeting. 


Nominees must agree to stand for election. You should discuss your intention to nominate someone with that person before the meeting. 


If you have any questions about the nomination or election process, please do not hesitate to contact Anna Richardson, Business Manager by email


Your details

Nominee details (You may nominate up to five people on this form. Start a new form if you need more space.)